Wednesday, April 27, 2005


As I write this, i have felt inspired to wax on two subjects today. and since few people read this, not many will be surprised...

One person, however, who reads this- this is for you, Luke!

Recently, I was at a summit of area youth leaders for Lancaster County. It was wonderful! some of the things that I deal with- things that come up in the blog- i was able to get out! I was able to share with other youth leaders some of these things, and able to share with someone who is not in my church some of my frustations.

It was also immensely joyous to share with each other the things that we are excited about in our youth ministries. One of the guys said it best- if he only could make the first half hour when we went around the room and shared, it would have been worth the 40 we all shelled out for it (not to mention lunch was good, too).

I know the Bible states this, but I must again reitterate how good it is to fellowship with other believers, and how good it is to get together as colaborers to share our joys, and our troubles, and to share with one another! It is exciting to find people dealing with the same types of things I struggle with, and coming to the same place that I am at, where we can only but follow...

I feel a great joy in sharing, and wish that others could feel this. To those in small communities, i wish they could share with other church youth leaders like i have! I wish some churchs would forget the denominational name for a moment and realize that Christ is ALL and the center, regardless of what church you are in! I found a church website the other day that affirms that they and their other churches in the denomination are the only ones who are real Christians and they actively go against the ecumenical movement which seeks to unify Christ's body! My apologies, but it is not God who divides us from other believers, but the devil.

anyway- my sorrows to those of you who are unable to feel this- and my prayers for you as well! I consider myself blessed to have been a part of a group like this, and am ecxited for future times of sharing!

Bi-vocational ministers

It has been over a month... since my last blog- and i'm fine with that. I don't live to create blogs, and as far as i know, two people read this. My job has become more demanding, and i'm fine with that, too.

You see, i've been coming to grips more with my job, and i've been thinking about this for a while, and... I must give a hats off salute to bi-vocational ministers! I just don't know HOW you do it! I mean, I'm a full time pastor at a church, and I have 3 jobs that require my time! And between those three jobs, I could easily put in a double work week- just connecting with people, planning for ministry, and going beyond simple maintenance.

It is a big job, and although I love it (i'm not complaining- it's great), it is exhausting sometimes. and I'm not even where i WANT to be. But i'm getting there! If I had to take on an extra job, my ministry would suffer. As it is, I already have to plan in each week which ministry(ies) get more planning than the other(s). And I have to balance that.

Bi-vocational ministers- i can't believe it! I mean, peopel that work full time and do ministry on the side, or part time and part time ministry, or however they do it- ministry is more than a full time job whether you're simply a youth pastor, or an associate like me with 3 jobs, or a senior pastor, or whatever your job is. It's HUGE because it's this- people! People is what ministry is about- it's about connecting them with God, and in the process, connecting to them ourselves, as best as we can (smaller churches have pastors connecting with everyone, larger churchs have smaller groups).

Because of the people aspect of the job, you're never really "off duty." sunday nights are a great night to relax, however, the past handful of sunday nights, my wife and i have spent with people from our church doing stuff- and it's been great, but i guess that means i don't have sunday night off, right? and if someone has to go into the hospital, visiting them is something nice to do. except, people don't get sick in the middle of the day all the time, right? and...

anyway, suffice it to say- my hats off to bi-vocational ministers! This is a tough job and i've been discovering more aspects of it- and those of us who do it full time have a tough time finding enough time for it- those of you who are part time must feel even more like you are stretched. I talk with friends who are ministers of one area (youth, or worship) and they are as pressed as i who have 3- so...

don't know where i was going with that, but... yeah.
