Independence Day (weekend)
a restful, relaxing weekend around the Walsh household (minus going to the church and working some more- unplanned as it was). But I wanted to share a little from my head this weekend. I've always been rather patriotic- comes from where I grew up, probably, as well as being a Boy Scout. And I don't see any conflict in my religion with patriotism- being thankful for the country I live in, thankful for my freedoms, proud of the good things (mixed with ashamed of some of our less than proud moments, too). Nationalism- feeling my country is better than others- I do see as a conflict, but not patriotism. With that in mind, I'd like to share a couple tidbits out of American ideologies these days:
"Celebrate the birth of your country by blowing up a small piece of it."
we went to see fireworks with some of Rachel's family.
and they were quite nice.
Fireworks are generally one of the most patriotic symbols of our country, especially around the 4th of July.
And just like most of the other stuff we buy these days in America, about 95% of all fireworks purchased in America- are made in China (along with 92% of the American flags that are purchased by consumers).
Must be what makes us so great as a country. Happy birthday, America.