Sunday, October 21, 2007

Serving God

This thought has been swirling around my head for a few days as I ponder things that I hear in Christian circles. Often, we sing songs and pray prayers and talk about how we want to serve God. I wonder, in light of passages like Matthew 25:31-46, do we realize this plain and simple fact: Serving God means serving others.

and not just Christian others. serving other people. Often times, we spiritualize passages like Matthew 25, or Isaiah 61. but, as much as we can find spiritual comparisons to the types of people listed, but they are quite possibly talking more about the literally poor, oppressed, needy, sick, imprisoned. after all, Jesus himself served people with literal physical afflictions as well as spiritual.

i would welcome any thoughts on this subject- should any of my readers feel the desire to, or should you desire to direct others here, as well.


irishtater said...

I like your thoughts but will comment at this time only on your style. Have you abandoned capitalization? ;)

disciplerw said...

Yes, Erik, I have. I normally type my blogs in Word first, which will capitalize letters for me. This one was such a fresh thought and something I wanted to get out there quickly, so I typed directly into blogger- and capitalization was among my least concerns.