Saturday, November 04, 2006


I was thinking about this today as I was listening to a relatively new CD- new to me. I'd bought it for the worship ministry at church- resource not only for music we may play, but also to play in the background before and after service. it was a worship CD with a bunch of different groups and worship leaders.

And I got listening to a version on there that they had of the song "Rescue" from the CD Desperation. The original was done very well and was just in general, good. this newer (really other- the song is only 2 years old- and only popular the past year or so) version was, in my opinion, inferior. it was not only a cover, but a cover done with little to none of the band's own flavor in it.

the group who performed it, however, was what got me intrigued enough to write a blog. it's the band "Newsong"/

now fofgive me, but doesn't that sound weird? Newsong is performing a bad cover of someone else's song.

1 comment:

Toad said...

I know this is an old blog, but I felt the same when I first heard the newsong CD - I believe it came int he hosanna care package. My head almost hurt as I heard the same over-covered songs (do we really need another version of blessed be your name?)

But then I realized, hey! Since this is a live recording with polished production values, let me see if I can use it for some good -I recommended Rescue and once the choir and leadership heard this more "commercial" version, It must have been easier to swallow compared to the desparation band version, and we ended up adding it to our repoitoire.

different strokes for different folks I guess ;-)