yes, yes, i know
So, i know numbers are not everything. and as a matter of fact, they are often barely times anything at all. but we had our youth ministry Christmas party on Friday, Dec. 15 and had an all time high of 17!! it's been exciting to have been here for a year and all, but this was by far the most exciting number. it's the largest anything youth group thing i've done as a youth pastor (since i've basically tried to build two youth ministries out of nothing) and i'm stoked...
i know we're affecting our kids out here and all- and i know that we're making a difference. and that's good. i guess i just need a reminder sometimes. we don't have too many more now than we did when we arrived, but at the same time, i can think of at least 5 of our regular/semi regulars who were NOT attending when we started here. and I can think of at least 3 or 4 who are no longer going to our church so not attending, either. so we've kinda lost some and replaced them- but from the "numbers" view, it's stayed the same.
the big thing is that we have been able to not lose most of the kids who were here when we started. that was a BIG concern- that most of them were too far gone for us to keep them. and i'd say we lost one becasue she was ready to head out, but the others were family reasons that they stopped attending our church. And the rest that were around, we have done what we can and gotten them in- even the one that i was SURE i was going to lose from the moment i came out here. not that we don't connect, just that he was already kinda doing another thing for church... but... yeah. so now, we've got some kids that have been very inconsistent since we came here that we're trying to get more involved... and of course, i've been trying to get in the schools to make my face more known to the friends the kids in the youth group will invite.
anyway- i'm just pretty excited after having a big number tonight. hopefully our friday nights will continue to produce some growth (since that's what they were designed for). ok- i'm exhausted from not having a minute of rest since early this morning... i'm about to pass out...
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