Monday, April 02, 2007

OR to PA (day 4- the finale)

Ok, so… Rachel and I talked last night and decided with the possibility of rain and our overwhelming feeling of “we’re so close, let’s just finish” that we had, we skipped going to Chicago. We were going to get up and get a 7amish start from the hotel, but I woke up around 4 and couldn’t sleep, and Rachel woke up, too- so we were out the door by 5 and on the road at 5:20 (after gassing up and getting McD’s breakfast). We set the clock to EST (a few hours early) to get ourselves on the same time and got going.

and... long story short, we arrived back in PA a little before 7pm EST. we were just tired and wanted to arrive here... and to be honest, i've typed myself out. not e-mailing or blogging for a few days. note how short this is- i've typed all these days, i've also done a lot of typing to help process. so... yeah.

anyway- thanks for reading- after we get the PC set up, i'll post some pictures and maybe video- keep looking for it.

later, all- leave comments, messages or even phone calls- all are welcome.

1 comment:

luke middleton said...

glad you made it