Go and make converts of all the nations...
"Go" Jesus told them. I've heard that so many times- and, well- i suppose I must admit it is true. However, even as a non-greek scholar, I can see that the "Great Comission" is not saying that everyone must go. As a matter of fact, it should be quite simple to see the real command in this sentence. The command is to "make disciples" of all the nations, and the way you make disciples is by going, by teaching them, and baptising them (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
I have trouble with our modern methods of doing stuff. This is not a condemnation of missions, however, if something fits, then perhaps we should rethink it. I know of a few short term mission organizations (which i won't point fingers because mommy told me it's not nice to point) and much of the way we do missions consists of sending people in for a few weeks- do some evangelical stuff and get people saved. Friends who have gone on mission trips before would tell (brag) about how many people accepted Christ.
Have we ever ONCE stopped to realize this is not the point? It is better to make 5 true disciples than to make 500 converts, or 5000 (what happened to that group that got fed by Jesus with two fish and 5 loaves?). The point of Christianity is not to save everyone- it's to change lives, one at a time. I'm not saying that we need to settle for just one, but, I would rather have one person truly discipled from an outreach than see a thousand who get "saved" but have no follow up. Unless people are getting plugged in, they are not truly changed. It takes someone wanting to be discipled, but often times they do not know how to go about that, so they need people to follow up on the evangelism.
I took a class called Evangelism and Discipleship, and i think that honestly those two terms should not be used without the other- kinda like fruit and fiber, or love and marriage (hehe). We should desire to see people give their lives to Christ and celebrate, but we should celebrate more when that person's life is being changed, and because of that change, they are affecting others!
So- some may think i'm talking about missions here. I'm not- this actually plays into something else that I really wanted to rant about in these heresies of the day. The seeker sensetive church. I am not against trying to reach people who are not comfortable in church. However, too often, these church offer very little substance and very much of a good show. How many people go to Willow Creek outside Chicago? close to 30,000 people! That's a FREAKIN' LOT!! How many people go to their services designed for the believers? it's more like.. 6-8000, i think. Which is still pretty good, but here's the question- how many people have been going to the church for a significant amount of time and are still not saved? And how many of those people are true converts vs. how many just started going there from other churches?
ouch- don't touch that one, preacher! After all, we've all switched churches a number of times, and everyone knows that the church with the best music is where we want to go! Or the church with the biggest youth ministry, or the church with this, or with that... That's beside the point- back to today's topic.
We are not called to give mush to people that sounds good, and is useful in life, but is not the whole truth. I mean, it's great to preach practical stuff, but the Gospel is OFFENSIVE!! Seeker sensetives go and try to not offend people, but that's going to be impossible with the true Gospel. Jesus told His disciples "when" they are persectued- he totally expected it for them- because the truth of it is so radically transforming, people are going to be offended by it and what it can do- and what it requires. I get offended at it sometimes, and I'm a PASTOR!
I know that seeker churches often offer something to aid discipleship, but that needs to be as prominent, and as accessible as the evangelism. Because Evangelism without discipleship is stupid- people are not changed and they remain the same with only a few phrases or thoughts to throw around, but nothing substantial. And discipleship is impossible unless the people are evangelized.
So? What do we do? Well, we start caring about quality as much as quantity. When asked about how big my church is, i can respond with numbers, but I could also easily respond with "my church has growing disciples of Christ who are maturing, and inviting others to Christ". or something like that... But the point is not whether my church has 150 or willow creek has 30,000. The point is that we are making the most of the people in our congregation- whether the people are truly being transformed, and becoming more like Christ.
Man, if only Jesus would have been content with thousands of people listening to him. I mean, that would have been great- if only he hadn't chosen 12 guys to pour his life into and disciple. If only he'd been content with the way things were- maybe he wouldn't have been killed. Yay... oh, wait...
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