What? Me? Rant?
Alright, ok! I have been accused of having something to rant and rave about every day that i post something here! Always it seems that I have something to complain about perhaps? Does anyone else feel that way? Does anyone else read any of these? I know one person read one of my personal rants... or...
So they are not supposed to be rants all the time. Sometimes they are sincere questions that i deal with... Sometimes it is a rant. Today, I will try to be an encouragement.
I want to affirm something that I am seeing more and more prevalent in churches in the United States. And disagree if you want to, but... So many churches have been grabbing onto the small group/cell group idea. Sure, Americans seem to be drawn more and more to the "Willow Creek" mega-church. And in my area, many christians go to a seeker-sensitive church in the area which is a very large church. The problem with a place like that is... well, a couple things. Firstly, solid Christains are not going to get solid food teaching (they might get a little milk) but perhaps they only want milk cuz it's less offensive and easier to take. But I will rant about that tomorrow- i'm trying to be positive today.
The big problem a lot of people run into in the mega-church is that they are unknown. Now some people are trying to get that- in college I went to a large church where one can get lost, and I met a guy in there who was a burned out pastor trying to hide from having to be involved because he was licking his wounds from his last church. No comment on that because as i've been in ministry even a short time, i can see how some people might get scourged and crucified by their church.
So if people are flocking to the large churches, then why am i praising small groups? Becuase I know a friend who went and did some research on willow creek, and they totally encourage all believers to be involved in one of their many small groups. Because I went to a small group at the church i went to in college. If you are not going to be in a small church, the next closest you can get is a small group. and small groups should happen even in a small church.
In the New Testament, that's what churches were. They didn't have big buildings to meet in- they met in people's homes. They might assemble together every so often, but more or less, the believers in the cities got their meeting together in the form of a "cell" group. When Paul wrote an epistle to the Church in Galatia, or somewhere else, this was written to be circulated among the various house churches that were in the city.
So, Church in America- kudos! This small group thing is very biblical, and is very relevant. I have seen so much potential and ultimately growth in people from this! Keep going on it- keep pursuing it! It is a major tool that will be helpful for us in reaching out, in discipleship, in growth, worship, prayer, stepping out in faith- lots of things! It is a safe place for Christians to tweak their talents, to test out hearing from God, to test out sharing from their heart and ultimately- a place to be a part of a family that many poeple haven't experienced or had.
So, in the noble words of Star Wars, the church can say "I got one!" and we can reply, "great! Don't get cocky."
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