Friday, November 11, 2005

Back (in black)

I'm back... in Maine. have missed this place- and Rachel has seen (and heard) my desire to be back here for at least a little while... i may still not be called here, but enjoy the time that i get here- and it's not often enough... i'm not happy with the reason i am here earlier than expected, but... and thank you to Luke for picking me up at the airport- it was nice of him to "take time off" from work to meet me there. hehehe...

anyway- i feel good about being here, although i miss rachel dearly and can't wait for her to come... just about everything has a feeling of nostalgia to it right now- including waking up at 6 am and heading out to the hunter's breakfast... mmm... good food.

feels good to be "home" and i'm sure the time will likely not be long enough that i am here... hope to see those of you here, and hope to spend some good time with you... and i may be inspired enough to continue blogging...

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